Wednesday, April 27, 2011

getting started

So I'm figuring out this whole blog thingy. I'll be ranting and shit on here in the future but for now watch this video from April 2007. It is called "Bad Kitty" directed by Bryan Frasier, staring Captain Jean-Luc Picard and myself. 
The Captain was our cat. Not that he is deceased or anything, he just cannot be owned by anyone. Which is obvious once you see the video.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Yeah. I got a fuckin' blog. Who doesn't? Your mom doesn't, thats who. She ain't got time for no blog what with all the whorin' around and drinkin'. She carries on like that most nights wearin' tiny dresses and dancin' with weirdos down at the Potlach bar singing that kar-e-okay and showin' her titties to every goddamn fisherman in the place! Serves her right catchin' the chlamydia that time. 

Anyway, good talk Bryan Frasier. See ya on twitter.